December 15, 2023
Ready Report: Happy Hanukkah, Delegation Meeting Wrap-Up & More…
First, I would like to wish my Jewish friends a very happy and festive Hanukkah as the celebration continues. I hope you and your families enjoy time together during this entire holiday season. Below is an update on the December 7th Delegation Hearing, along with some other updates.
Carroll County Delegation Hearing Summary
On Thursday evening we had a great turnout for our Carroll County Delegation Public Hearing. We discussed a handful of local Carroll-specific bill requests, heard from non-profit groups and local government seeking capital grant funds and then had several people share concerns and ideas about issues we are facing locally and, in the state, overall. Thank you to everyone who came out or tuned in to watch on cable access. And as always you can send concerns or input to me anytime at [email protected].
Ready in the Press
You may already know, but there is growing tension between the Maryland Stadium Authority, and the ownership of the Baltimore Orioles over the lease agreement for Camden Yards. It appears that Orioles ownership’s idea of a lease agreement would require the State of Maryland to forfeit property rights for state owned parking lots, which the Orioles ownership would like to develop into bars, restaurants, and other entertainment venues.
I was interviewed by WMAR about this topic, since part of my duties as State Senator include approving the Governor’s appointments to the Maryland Stadium Authority. You can read the full article including my take on the issue by clicking here.
Community Overdose Action Town Hall in Carroll County – January 17th
The Maryland Opioid Operational Command Center will be hosting a Town Hall in Carroll County on Wednesday, January 17th at 6:30pm. The event will take place at the Carroll County Public Safety Training Center, located at 50 Kate Wagner Road in Westminster.
The key goal is to get feedback from the community about what can be done at the state and local level to increase substance use-related support. Special Secretary of Opioid Response Emily Keller will be present to provide an update on state-level priorities. More information about this event can be found by clicking here.
State Funds Secured for Carroll County Agricultural Center
Earlier this week, the Board of Public Works considered a request to enter into a grant agreement for a $400,000 grant to the Board of Directors of the Carroll County Agricultural Center, Inc. for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Carroll County Agriculture Center.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me anytime. My office can be reached by emailing [email protected], and my staff and I will do our best to get back to you in a timely manner. Have a great rest of the week!
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