September 1, 2023
Ready Report: Labor Day, Rt. 140 Project & More
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend! Thank you to the working men and women who have built and keep building and protecting our country. Here are a few announcements.
State Highway Administration Open House for MD 140 Project
The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration will host a public open house, 6-8 p.m. Thursday, September 14, to share information and answer questions about an intersection improvement project at MD 140 (Baltimore Boulevard) and MD 91 (Emory Road) in Finksburg. The open house will be held at the Finksburg Branch of the Carroll County Public Library, 2265 Old Westminster Pike in Finksburg.
The project, scheduled to begin late 2024, will improve traffic operations and safety for all users traveling from westbound Baltimore Boulevard onto southbound Emory Road. The State Highway Administration is proposing to eliminate left-turn access at the intersection and construct a new turning configuration on westbound Baltimore Boulevard at Michele Brauning Drive. The new configuration will direct motorists to use Michele Brauning Drive to connect to southbound Emory Road.
(Ready’s Notes – While this area is no longer in Senate District 5, it obviously is an intersection utilized by tens of thousands of Carroll County residents every day from both District 5 and District 42. I share concerns about the change – especially as it relates to the proposed left turn lane coming westbound and will be engaging with State Highway Administration. This open house is a good opportunity for residents to ask questions and obtain additional information).
Student Loan Debt Tax Credits – MD Higher Education Commission
Announcement from MD Higher Education Commission:
The September 15th deadline to be eligible for tax credits to help pay off your student loan debt is fast approaching!
The Maryland Higher Education Commission provides a Student Loan Debt Relief Tax Credit program for all Maryland residents. A total of $18 million in tax credits is available to Maryland residents filing their 2023 tax returns.
To be eligible, you must claim Maryland residency for the 2023 tax year, file 2023 Maryland state income taxes, have initially incurred at least $20,000 in undergraduate and/or graduate student loan debt, and have at least $5,000 in outstanding student loan debt at the time of applying for the tax credit.
The tax credit is for Maryland residents, and this year Maryland State employees with student loan debt will be given awarding priority. Everyone who applies must be currently making undergraduate and/or graduate education loan payments.
To apply, go to the Maryland Higher Education Commission’s website at:
Haven Shoemaker Law & Order Update (Fundraiser) – September 23rd
Join State’s Attorney Haven Shoemaker and Sheriff Jim DeWees for an afternoon of delicious BBQ and great conversation with an update on law enforcement in Carroll County. 2:00-4:00 PM at Hampstead Panther Park on Saturday, September 23rd. Tickets can be purchased by clicking here.
Save The Date – October 4th – Senator Ready Fall Fundraiser @ Island Green
Please save the date for our annual Fall Family Fundraiser at Island Green just outside Westminster. It will be held this year on Wednesday evening, October 4th. Click here for the ticket link for the event – more details coming soon!
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